What is Google Partners Connect?
Partners Connect is a free Google event that helps badged Google Partner agencies, like us, learn more about Google online advertising and how to succeed on the web. This event will focus on small businesses and will feature two Google speakers, Allan Thygesen, VP of Global Small Business Sales and Fred Vallaeys, Google Adwords Evangelist. These two Google representatives will share their insights about online marketing and talk about how small businesses can expand their online presence.Event Details
We’re inviting small businesses in the Raleigh-Durham area to our web design office to join us for this special Google Partners Connect event. Not only will attendees hear and learn from Google, but they will also have a chance to speak with our team about their web design and internet marketing goals. Light refreshments will also be provided. When? The Google Partners Connect event will be on Wednesday, October 15th at 2 PM EST. Where? We’re hosting this special event at our Raleigh web design office! RSVP here to reserve your Google Partners Connect spot! Space is limited, so please RSVP as soon as possible. We hope to see you on October 15th!Tags: Company News • Google