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Being a Superhero in Your Business – #9 Location

Richard Horvath
Last updated: Our Favorites 3 min read

Part 9: Your Location

Choosing a location for a new business is a huge responsibility and one of the most important decisions a business owner will make. Location can affect how a business markets itself, how it operates, its sales, and its plans for future growth. And we know this firsthand, as our Raleigh web design office has only added to our success, allowing us to empower small businesses for 10 years. As Uncle Ben once said, “With great power comes great responsibility, especially when picking the right location for your business”. Ok, he might not have said those exact words to Peter Parker before becoming Spiderman, but they still ring true for business owners looking to set up shop.
Super Business Series - Location
To help local Raleigh businesses reach the same success, we’re offering tips for determining the right location. Keep the following factors in mind:


A business’s location can affect the competition it faces. What is your competition like and where are they located? Setting up shop in an area with few direct competitors can help increase the chances of attracting customers and clients. Also see what your competitors are doing online. Just because they aren’t physically located in your city doesn’t mean they aren’t marketing to people who live in it.


Your location should complement your marketing campaign, both on the street and online. Is your store/office visible from the street? Do you have a sign or other marketing materials outside promoting your business? These are key marketing materials that can get you noticed by potential customers and clients. A well-designed, responsive website, that is consistent with your brand, should also include your physical address and phone number. This will help customers find you online and get them into your store or office. Local SEO can also help make sure you’re visible online, promoting your business through both organic search results and PPC.

Plans for Future Growth

When looking at locations for your business, think about where you want to be in 10 years. How many employees will you need? How much storage space, store-front space, parking, etc. Preparing for the future can save you time and money further down the road. Also keep in mind up and coming neighborhoods and cities. Neighborhoods and cities that are being developed or even re-developed can be great starting points for getting your brand/company noticed. Other factors to keep in mind are:
  • Local Labor Market
  • Proximity to Suppliers
  • Zoning
  • Safety
  • Taxes
Use your “spidey-sense” or business-intuition when picking your location. After all, you know your industry and customers better than anyone else. Soon you’ll be the next friendly neighborhood Spiderman… err business!
Is your business working for you or against you? Contact the internet marketing strategists and SEO experts of Raleigh’s TheeDigital at 919-341-8901 or schedule a consultation.

Join the Celebration!

Our 10 part series leads up to an exciting celebration: “TheeDigital’s Marvel-ous 10 Year Anniversary Party“. Join us June 19th, 2014, 6-9pm at The Hive bar/restaurant in downtown Raleigh. Register now for this free event!

Tags: Digital MarketingMiscellaneousOur Favorites

Richard Horvath

Richard Horvath is the founder of TheeDigital, a Raleigh based award-winning web design and digital marketing agency. He is proud of his team and the results that they provide to their clients.

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