Aspect of Design.
As probably the most obvious choice in website design, custom will always win, hands-down. Simply put, template websites lack individuality. One looks like the other, with no creativity. Also, change in content and metadata is important for ever-evolving best website design practices, and many templates do not offer this flexibility. Offering limited customization options, template designs make it difficult to stay up-to-date with current website design trends.Coding Best Practices.
As coding is the vital part of a website, custom designed website code always succeeds over template website design code. For one, code in a template is produced once and usually never updated, not up to par with current web standards, or designed to handle the latest integration options. As a result, this can reduce user accessibility and browser and device compatibility. Many times, this code is also bloated and contains errors. Bloated coding slows down load time, which in turn can annoy visitors and lower your page ranking. There may even be a chance template coding is connected via pre-set links to bad sites, which will lead ratings to tank. Lastly, template sites have no regard for SEO practices. Many offer inadequate access to create and change content & metadata, which is a problem for performing best SEO management. Ultimately, you want to convey your company has something unique to offer, and, just as your business evolves, you want to have a site that can progress the same way. A professional website designer will work with you to design a website that will not only work now, but also as your business needs change. A website is a reflection of your business-do you want your customers to think yours is just the same as all the rest?Interested in a professional custom website design? Contact TheeDigital in Raleigh, NC at 919-341-8901 or schedule a consultation today!.
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