In the modern world, a major marketing tool for attorneys is the proper use of a Facebook page. Facebook is used by over 2 billion people every single month and appeals both older and younger demographics, including many professionals and business owners. Because of this, a wide spectrum of businesses, including law firms, are using Facebook to attract new business and increase brand recognition.

How Should Your Law Firm Use Facebook for Marketing?
Law firms can utilize Facebook as another touch-point with existing and potential clients. Regularly posting on Facebook can help increase your website traffic and brand recognition and increase the likelihood of a potential client clicking on your links on Facebook or in the future. Here are a few ways you can use Facebook to increase your web exposure:
Share Blog Posts & Online Content
Your law firm’s digital marketing strategy should involve creating high quality content on your website that will provide value for potential clients. If this is the case, your Facebook page is a great place to post that content and distribute it to an interested audience. Whether you choose to boost these posts to the ideal market using Facebook’s ads manager or just to your own organic audience, you will increase your web presence and user experience by allowing your content to be easily accessible across multiple platforms.
Share Firm Events and News
Facebook offers law firms with the chance to show a different, less “buttoned-up” side than with what is conventionally shown on their legal website. You can post photos and videos of staff functions, or an attorney’s television or court appearance on your page to show your softer image by giving potential clients an insight into the firm. This is also a great place to give a glimpse into your work and an overview of company events and success. This allows a potential client to feel like they know your law firm a bit better and in turn they are much more likely to trust and select your firm.
Advertise your Law Firm with Facebook’s Ad Manager
The Facebook Ad Manager allows your law firm to run ads based on a seemingly endless amount of demographics and interests. These tools allow a skilled marketing manager to target Facebook users likely to be potential clients in your local area who may be looking into services you offer. Your law firm can begin optimizing your ad by running dynamic tests for different creatives, keywords, headlines or landing pages. Much like running PPC ads for your law firm on Google, YouTube, or Bing, careful optimization can lead to a high level of efficiency. In this scenario, it’s very possible to get the most out of your advertising dollar, typically leading to a large increase in total leads and clients.
However, this level of customization can also be dangerous. Without properly optimizing your Facebook ads, you could quickly exhaust your budget without great results, so it’s always smart to consult a marketing expert before running an expensive Facebook marketing campaign.
Answer Frequently Asked Questions About Your Practice Areas
You know your business better than anyone, so you also know the most frequent questions your law firm’s clients ask. To make your Facebook page more valuable to your existing and potential clients, you should create content answering those questions in detail. For example, if you run a personal injury practice, you may answer questions like “What are the steps for filing a personal injury claim?” or “What type of evidence to I need to support my case?”. This type of content opens the dialogue between you and your community, allowing potential clients to answer common questions they have, and make them more likely to contact your firm with follow up questions.
An Alternative Method of Communication
The personal communication created by feedback on your firm’s Facebook page can be priceless. You can see what your clients are thinking, which in turn allows you to resolve your customer issues while providing valuable insight into what people think of your services. This information will support your market research efforts and enable you to improve your customer service.
So, How Do I Market My Law Firm on Facebook?
We’ve gone over the different ways your firm can utilize Facebook to increase your web presence and how powerful it can be, but how will it get done? You should focus your time on doing what you do best – helping you clients and leave the rest up to TheeDigital. TheeDigital has been helping law firms grow their practice through web design, search engine optimization, PPC and Facebook for many years. Contact TheeDigital by calling 919-341-8901 or schedule a consultation to see how we can help you generate more leads today.