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How to Get The Most Out of LinkedIn

Richard Horvath
Last updated: Inbound Marketing 2 min read
When considering social media marketing, many strategists focus all of their attention on Facebook and Twitter. Although these networks are good ways to reach the masses, LinkedIn is the way to reach the educated, wealthy, intelligent masses who can promote your business to the next level. The demographic statistics about the average LinkedIn user are startling: 80% with a Bachelors or Graduate degree, average household income of $108,000, 20% senior level executives and over 60% are decision makers in their companies. With a network of so many qualified potential clients, why aren’t social media marketers taking advantage of this network? Here are a few ways to get ahead of the competition and cash in on the value of LinkedIn.

Play Offense with Prospects

The top priority of a small business owner is to gain new clients, and the only way to do this is to get out there and search for those who can be your best customers and refer future business. There are over 80 million professionals on the LinkedIn network, yet most have few connections and spend most of their time wondering why they are on there anyway.

Engage with Others

Engaging with others on LinkedIn allows you to make more connections and prove yourself as a top leader in your industry. One way to do that is to update your status message daily. Update with valuable and relevant content, not just personal posts about your social life. Use the status feature as a way to advertise your knowledge and expertise. Another way to engage with others and get noticed on LinkedIn is to participate in group discussions. Debating on topics within your field can be a great opportunity to provide insightful viewpoints on debatable topics in your field.


As we mentioned, debating in the LinkedIn groups is a great way to engage with others. On a similar note, it is a good idea to join groups in LinkedIn where you can meet other professionals in your business, but more importantly, it’s important to join and participate in groups filled with people who may become potential clients. Although industry groups may be helpful in some ways, they are still full of your competition, so look for groups filled with unique businesses who might be interested in your product or service. LinkedIn allows you to join up to 50 different groups, so take advantage of the opportunity and participate in groups that can benefit your business.

Create Your Own Community

If you can’t find the specific group you are looking for, don’t hesitate to create your own. Being the one in charge will get you a lot of visibility from your followers and fellow members, who all share a similar interest.

Create and Distribute Content Regularly

LinkedIn is a wonderful outlet for distributing content to readers who will value and show interest in what you have to say. If you were a member of 50 groups, and each group had 1000 members, you have the opportunity to reach 50,000 potential clients with articles and content about your business and services. Consistently and creatively distributing original content lets you get your words in front of a huge, qualified audience. Take advantage of the abundant network of qualified potential clients on LinkedIn. Not only can it help build your professional network, but it can be a major part of your businesses social media marketing. If you have any questions, or want to learn more about social media marketing, call us at 919-341-8901, or click here to fill out the contact form.

Tags: Inbound Marketing

Richard Horvath

Richard Horvath is the founder of TheeDigital, a Raleigh based award-winning web design and digital marketing agency. He is proud of his team and the results that they provide to their clients.

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