TheeDigital > Blog > We Love Free Training Resources (And You Should, Too!)

We Love Free Training Resources (And You Should, Too!)

Gabrielle Tardive
Last updated: Business 2 min read

We are never done learning. Continued skill development is essential for personal and professional growth. There are all kinds of reasons we can come up with to avoid continued development… time, money, and lack of motivation being a few. 

You Can Make Excuses – Or You Can Make It Happen!  

There are many online training courses available in all shapes and sizes. From FREE training (keep reading to learn about our monthly Free WordPress, SEO, and CRM training classes) to platforms where you can select how much time you have (only have 15 minutes a day? There are training resources available in small snippets like Skillshare), to training courses developed for public consumption from major universities.  

Here are some great, no-cost resources that will help you upskill and meet the needs of the future, right from the comfort of your own home.

Free online training resources you will love

Get Onboard With Skillshare Sundays

Want to learn from educational videos based on how much time you have? From instagram tips to get more followers, to complete workshops on how to write a successful and engaging blog article, to HTML and CSS bootcamps, Skillshare has you covered. You can sign up for free, and they even offer their premium version for free to try for two months. 

Check it out at

Oh, Alison, My Aim Is True

Alison offers completely free online courses, and over 1300 of them at that. Alison takes top, reputable materials and makes them super accessible. No more excuses to avoid learning with these resources at your fingertips. With online courses from technology, to science, to health and humanities, to business and marketing and more, Alison’s aim really is true.

Check it out at

No Parli Italiano? Learn a New Language!

Promising for you to learn a language for free, forever… Duolingo, is in a category all its own. A revolutionary, and extremely intuitive, language-learning tool that lets you learn and go at your own pace. You could fit in learning a new language on your daily walk or while making dinner. By integrating sound, text translation, visuals, and speaking in simple phrases, you could be Parlez-vous français before the end of the summer!

Check it out at

Free WordPress Admin and WordPress SEO Training – Live and Online!

Welcome to Free Training Tuesdays! Offered on the 2nd and 3rd Tuesday of every month, you can sign up for free on our website, or in our Meetup group as often as you like. Bring some friends to the Google Hangout, and from 4-5pm get your learn on! If you can’t make it, we’ll shoot you over the recording after the session.


Monthly HubSpot CRM Training

HubSpot is a Customer Relationship Management system that organizes your leads, and helps with your inbound and outbound marketing efforts. Learn your way around the CRM, how to add a contact, update information, create email templates and embed meeting links in your emails. 


While this is a challenging time, this is a great opportunity to increase online operations that will save time, automate processes, improve productivity, and allow you to spend more time on things that matter. If you’d like to learn more about online business tools or investing in to effective digital marketing solutions, reach out to our digital consultants today!

Tags: Business

Gabrielle Tardive

Gabrielle Brooks is a Digital Strategist at TheeDigital, a web design and SEO agency based in Raleigh, NC. Give Gabrielle a call at 919-341-8901 to talk about web design that will meet your needs.

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