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Get Schooled in Web Design and SEO!

Richard Horvath
Last updated: Community 3 min read
We here at TheeDigital believe you should never stop learning. Web design and SEO are constantly evolving so it’s especially important to stay current on those technology updates. Luckily, this summer is packed with some great learning opportunities both locally in Raleigh and online!

Web Design Learning Opportunity:

WordPress Developer Raleigh
The Triangle Interactive Marketing Association (TIMA) is hosting a WordPress Doctor event and TheeDigital has been asked to participate as one of the “Web Doctors.” This session will be held on Wednesday, July 11th in Raleigh. The event is open to the public. Admission is $40 at the door and $25 for TIMA members who preregister. The TIMA WordPress Doctor event is geared towards fixing problems, understanding the WordPress platform and making it work! Topics include:
  • Understanding the WordPress CMS platform
  • Popular WordPress widgets and what they do
  • Basic care of a WordPress site
  • How to switch themes without crashing
The TIMA event brings experienced WordPress website specialists in the field of web design, internet marketing and search engine optimization together from around the Triangle to answer questions and diagnose website issues.
This is going to be a great learning opportunity. Our particular topic will be on best practices for integrating social media into your WordPress website and we have a fantastic client success story to illustrate this!
Laurence, Sales Manager at TheeDigital
The Triangle Interactive Marketing Association (TIMA) is a Raleigh-Durham community of interactive marketing and web design professionals dedicated to enriching education in digital media. They focus on uniting interactive technologies and traditional marketing principles through networking and educational events.

Search Engine Learning Opportunity:

Power Search Techniques Most people know that Google Search makes it amazingly fast and easy to find information online. But do you know about the Google tricks and advanced search options available that can enhance your search experience? Google has created an online educational course called Power Searching with Google that is designed to teach people how to utilize advanced search tactics to help you find just the right information when the stakes are high. The course includes 6 classes composed of video instruction and practice exercises stretched out over 6 weeks. There is then a final exam at the end to test your new power searching skills!

Self Improvement Learning Opportunity

If you are more of a contextual learner, a great website to check out is SelfGrowth. They publish articles on self improvement topics ranging from health and well being to running a successful business, including internet marketing! The Online Self Improvement and Self Help Encyclopedia

Missed Our WordPress Doctor Event? Here Are The Presentation Slides!

If you are looking for award winning web design and online communication, contact the internet marketing experts at TheeDigital in Raleigh, NC at 919-341-8901 or schedule a consultation.

Tags: CommunityCompany NewsSearch Engine OptimizationWeb Design

Richard Horvath

Richard Horvath is the founder of TheeDigital, a Raleigh based award-winning web design and digital marketing agency. He is proud of his team and the results that they provide to their clients.

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