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Happy Birthday, WordPress!

Richard Horvath
Last updated: Community 2 min read
Today is a very important day in history. Today, back in 2003, was the day WordPress graced our presence and raised the bar for websites everywhere. Today is WordPress’ 8th birthday! Since WordPress’ inaugural entrance into the content management world, we have seen a huge shift in web standards and what kinds of site are desired by businesses and individuals. WordPress itself has gone through a large series of upgrades since its birth in 2003, including three major redevelopments. WordPress 3.2 (beta) was actually just released about two weeks ago. Since February, variations of WordPress[ 3.0 had been downloaded over 32.5 million times.


Back in 2003, two developers, Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little began creating WordPress as a fork of b2/cafelog, which, as a precursor to WordPress, was written in PHP for use with MySQL, and was used on approximately 2,000 blogs as of May 2003 when WordPress launched. WordPress gained a lot of attention and many users quite quickly. Within 6 years, the Open Source content management system Market Share Report concluded that WordPress had the greatest brand strength over any other open source content management system.  14 releases later, WordPress still retains the greatest brand strength and is used on more than 14% of the 1,000,000 biggest websites.


We just saw the release of 3.2 (beta) earlier this month, and after the official release of this version, Matt Mullenweg and his team plan on taking a release cycle off from the software in order to focus on improving and expanding the WordPress community.  With this focus, we expect WordPress to grow into a sustainable community of loyal users backed by a reliable and useful content management system. In future software updates we look forward to more custom developer tools. Taking into account the community of WordPress users and developers and the open source nature, we foresee a progressive future ahead of WordPress and we look forward to being a part of it. At TheeDigital, we build all of our clients’ sites in WordPress, since it is the best open source content management system available. Our PHP and MySQL programmers have been building custom WordPress software and plug-ins since 2004, and we look forward to our long future with WordPress. Happy Birthday, WordPress! If you are interested in utilizing WordPress for your website, call us. We design and build custom themes as well as personalized software and plug-ins to cater to our clients’ individual needs. Our phone number is 919-341-8901 or fill out our inquiry form and one of our web design specialists will be in contact with you soon.

Tags: CommunityOur FavoritesWordPress

Richard Horvath

Richard Horvath is the founder of TheeDigital, a Raleigh based award-winning web design and digital marketing agency. He is proud of his team and the results that they provide to their clients.

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