PPC Cost For Law Firms
Unfortunately, there is no magic dollar amount guaranteed to get your law firm’s PPC ads published. It depends on a few factors – how much you’re bidding per click, your daily budget, what your ad looks like and what your overall PPC budget is. Let’s take a look at an example: The above screenshot shows the top PPC ads for a “Raleigh lawyer” search in Google. All 3 results use extensions, PPC add-ons to give customers more information about the law firm without having to click. Having add-ons, specifically like the ad shown in the middle search result, makes an ad more desirable, and more expensive per click. Now look at this example: These ads were taken from the same “Raleigh lawyer” Google search, however these ads are noticeably different. These are basic PPC ads; there aren’t any extensions giving the law firms phone number, address or service links. And without those extra customer friendly add-ons, the cost per click is significantly cheaper and at a higher risk of not being seen.Estimating Traffic and Average Cost-Per-Click
To estimate how much your law firm needs to spend to be in the top spot for PPC, you’ll have to do a little research. Luckily, Google provides you with Keyword Planner, a tool that helps you understand the estimated traffic and cost-per-click of your main keywords. (And even better, our PPC experts can help do the research for you!) Once you plug-in your main keywords and your location, you’ll be able to see the average monthly searches related to each keyword entered, the competition, and the average cost-per-click. In the example below, we have entered the keywords “lawyer”, “attorney”, and “law firm”. As you can see, both “lawyer” and “attorney” are highly searched keywords, accounting for 60,500 searches and 40,500 searches, respectively. They are also highly competitive, meaning there are many lawyers, attorneys and law firms using that keyword, which drives up the cost-per-click. While the “law firm” keyword search doesn’t get as many monthly searches, it is still highly competitive and the most expensive, with an estimated $11.71 cost-per-click.Competitive Legal Keywords
Competitive keywords can make it difficult to reach your target audience. Here is a list of some of the most competitive legal keywords for the Raleigh area:- Raleigh Lawyer
- Raleigh Attorney
- Raleigh Personal Injury Lawyer
- Raleigh Divorce Law Firm
- Law Firms in Raleigh
Benefits of PPC for Law Firms
Whether your law firm chooses to spend thousands or hundreds, the benefit of PPC is still noticeable – especially when paired with a successful SEO strategy. Searchers will notice your law firm showing up multiple times in the search results, increasing the likelihood that they will view your firm’s site and contact you for a legal consultation.Need help setting up and maintaining your law firm’s PPC campaign? Contact the PPC and internet marketing professionals at TheeDigital in Raleigh, NC at 919-341-8901 or schedule a consultation.
Tags: Legal Marketing • Paid Search Marketing