What Is Bounce Rate?
The bounce rate is the number of people who visited the landing page only, then quickly left the website without looking through the content. This rate may include people who accidentally get to your site, those who click on your site but feel as if you aren’t what they are looking for, and people whose attention is lost immediately upon landing on your site. The bounce rate is a percentage, calculated by the dividing the number of visitors visiting only the landing page by the number of total website visits.
- Content Content on a web page should first and foremost be user and customer friendly. The content on a site should keep the visitor’s attention and spark an interest in learning more in order to reduce the bounce rate. This means that the content should be original and unique, relevant and intriguing, and not too long.
- Loading Time One of the fastest ways to lose a visitor is to have a long loading time on your website. With the introduction and vast adoption of high speed broadband internet, web surfers are quick to leave a page that doesn’t load immediately. Reduce your loading time by having the smallest image files possible and by cleaning up the HTML codes and CSS files to be as streamlined as possible.
- Page Designs An appealing aesthetic on a website design can engage your audience and keep them interested enough to look around. If a page looks outdated, ugly, or unintuitive, it is likely that the visitor will be inclined to leave. Consider consulting with a user experience designer when creating a web design for your initial site.
- On-Site Links On-site linking, when you link valuable words to the associated pages with in your site, helps reduce bounce rate by making it simple and easy for visitors to find related and relevant information within your site.
For more information on what you can do to increase the effectiveness of your website, call our internet marketing specialists at 919-341-8901 or schedule a consultation to get started.
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