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Remarketing Ads: A Path to Increased Revenue

Last updated: Paid Search Marketing 3 min read

Visitor on your website didn’t convert? Don’t worry too much, the right remarketing ad(s) can help you win out in the long run. When these ads are set up in your Google Ads account, any visitor to your website is tagged with a marker. When that same user then visits other websites on the Google Display Network (such as Yahoo, YouTube, Blogger, Google Finance, and many, many more), they can potentially see your ad.

Increase My Revenue with Remarketing Ads Blog Thumbnail

Since that user has already visited your website at least one time, they are more likely to be interested in your remarketing ad than a campaign that’s advertising to people who may not already know your website. The ads are intended for the users to revisit your site and engage with you.

While the Remarketing function isn’t for all businesses, it can be useful for most and can be used to increase sales for your business. Here are a few reasons that Remarketing can boost revenue.

1. Reconnect With Lost Visitors

Remarketing ads target past website visitors

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that a potential customer who is familiar with your business is more apt to buy as opposed to somebody who doesn’t. It’s like the difference between cold calling a prospect versus reaching out to someone who was recommended to you by their friend.

Their friend has already mentioned your brand, and your call to them reintroduces them to it. The same thinking applies here as Remarketing ads allow you to reconnect with individuals who have a basic knowledge of your business, products or services.

This is especially helpful for retail customers. If you were shopping on a site looking at kayaking equipment, and then see an ad on another site about that brand, it may re-engage the user with your brand.

2. Remarketing Ads for Branding Purposes

remarketing ads build brand

Remarketing ads allow you to keep your brand and company in front of people as they surf the internet. While they may not immediately make a purchase, you’re staying in front of them and should be on their mind when they think of your industry.

3. Get Creative with Remarketing Ads & Promotions

By using cookies, your site visitors get “tagged” when you use the Remarketing function. This basically gives you a “warm” lead, providing an opportunity to get creative with banner ads and specific promotions just for these individuals. The person had some interest in what you offer, so maybe that little extra incentive or viewing a dynamic ad that specifically targets these users, could be the push they need to make the purchase or complete a desired action.

4. Follow Your Leads

When utilizing Remarketing Ads, you can essentially “follow” potential clients around as they surf the web. Wherever they go, you will be there and studies show that the more times someone sees your ad, the better chance that they will visit your site or make a purchase.

5. Build Loyalty with Remarketing Ads

Remarketing ads allow retailers to stay in front of potential customers with company information and news, along with special offers. It allows you to create an awareness that will drive people to your site… and repeat visits should lead to more sales.

build customer loyalty w/ remarketing ads

6. Rule of Seven

A common marketing rule says that a prospect needs to see your hear your message 7 to 15 times for them to take action. The remarketing ads that follow them around the web accomplish this for you. Within a week (depending on your ad setup), the customer can see your ads 10 or more times. The ads serve as small reminders to them about your brand, making it more likely they will reengage with you.

Remarketing Ads: The Takeaway

From my experience, the overall reaction to Google’s Remarketing Ad tool has been positive. There is the possibility of aggravating potential clients by always being in front of them but the positives certainly outweigh the negatives. The simple fact is that this feature can help your business increase sales and ROI. It’s more effective than traditional display network ads and – from my experience – offers a higher conversion rate.

Start Benefitting from Remarketing!

If you’re a small-to-medium sized business owner that wants to maximize your web marketing, give us a call at 919-341-8901 or fill out our contact form and one of our internet marketing specialists will contact you shortly.

Tags: Digital MarketingEcommercePaid Search Marketing

Daniel Falco

Lead PPC Manager

Daniel is a digital marketing strategist at TheeDigital. He is an expert in digital advertising and small business marketing strategy, and he aims to fully understand his client’s business and industry to find unique competitive advantages.

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