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Increasing Online Attention When Offline Isn’t an Option

Richard Horvath
Last updated: Paid Search Marketing 2 min read

Two of the primary messages you want to convey when marketing a business is: 1. Letting people know what kind of company you are and 2. What you offer.

This sounds simple enough. Were it not for all of the other business that were similar to yours and offer a lot of the same things, this would be easy. Your business may be different than those in ways that are important consumers, but first you need to grab their attention. Recently I saw an article in the Triangle Business Journal regarding changes that could be made to sign ordinances: “Will changes to Raleigh’s sign rules hurt small businesses?”

So What’s a Small Business to Do?

I’ve been a retail business owner and understand the importance of utilizing the space in those windows and all around your business to grab the attention of passersby. Whether you are looking to promote your latest sale or just want them to know you are there in a space that may not be as eye catching as you would prefer. That is why it is so important to diversify your marketing to include many of the technologies that are available and can have the same effectiveness as a poster of this month’s special.

Consider Foursquare:

If you are in a heavily trafficked area, Foursquare gives you the ability to send out notifications about your specials to those that are in close proximity.

Make the Most of Social Media:

Facebook and Twitter give you the ability to message directly to those people who liked your company enough to follow you online. You can let them know why they should come in today.

Remember Your Website!

Having a well-organized website with all that you offer available for viewing makes it easy for people to make the decision to visit your store when they are nearby. This list could be endless with the multitudes of social media sites and options for online ads. Just know that just because you can’t put out a bigger sign, doesn’t mean you can’t increase your online presence.
Do you need help coming up with localized marketing ideas for your business? Contact the internet marketing professionals at TheeDigital in Raleigh, NC at 919-341-8901 or schedule a free consultation today!

Tags: Digital MarketingMiscellaneousPaid Search Marketing

Richard Horvath

Richard Horvath is the founder of TheeDigital, a Raleigh based award-winning web design and digital marketing agency. He is proud of his team and the results that they provide to their clients.

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