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Is Print Media Out? Looking At The Future of Journalism

Richard Horvath
Last updated: Miscellaneous 3 min read
It’s no secret that media has evolved since the daily adoption of the internet, but how is it changing the face of print media? Rupert Murdoch, the longtime advocate of print newspapers, is now leading the campaign to create an iPad-friendly publication called The Daily. In the Manhattan offices of News Corporation, over 100 staff members are busily preparing The Daily for its scheduled launch in 2011. With its rich multimedia and state-of-the-art graphics, this 21st- century newspaper offers the promise of revolutionizing the publishing industry and making newspapers vogue once again.
The Daily has enlisted the help of big names in mainstream news and news media and, rumor has it, will incorporate content from News Corporation publications as well as video from Fox Sports. The majority of its content, however, will be exclusive to Apple iPad users. One thing that remains unclear is how The Daily will provide regular, original content with only 100 staff members. Another unanswered question is how much The Daily will cost users. News Corporation appears to be relying on the iPad to increase revenue, although the decision to invest in The Daily may be due in part to News Corporation’s close relationship with iPad manufacturer Apple Inc. Readers of The Daily can opt to receive the publication by downloading an iPad app. Therefore, publishers will not have to resort to relying on the sales of single issues. However, due to the primarily public nature of the web, internet users are currently used to receiving news content for free. When consumers are required to pay for a service that they have been used to receiving free of charge, will the majority of them simply go elsewhere? News Corporation needs to set itself apart from its competitors by providing an original product. The only way to acquire The Daily will be through the Apple App Store, where the deal becomes lucrative. When browsing the Apple App Store, users find themselves in a commercial haven without realizing it. For many users, downloading apps has become second nature to such an extent that people are likely not to think twice about purchasing The Daily if it intrigues them. The Daily, which will be produced each evening for release the next morning, is likely to feature updates similar to those of a news website. However, these updates are unlikely to be considered of the same urgency or importance as those produced on popular news sites. Unlike many traditional news websites, The Daily will not be connected to other publication’s content through hyperlinks. iPad users are accustomed to using a Web browser to seek news, and this has left many analysts wondering whether users will be willing to adapt to a new platform. News Corporation executives hope that half a million iPad users will subscribe to The Daily within the first five years following its debut. That number represents approximately five percent of all tablet users. The number of iPad users is set to increase in the foreseeable future, making News Corps estimates realistic. The separation between print journalism and online media is becoming smaller by the second. Nearly every printed news source has an online version that is more dynamic, informative, and interactive, pushing users to bypass print in favor of online media. In addition, online media is easy to update, cheap to produce, and requires little materials and time, a clear advantage over print media. With more and more audiences turning towards mobile and wireless devices for news and entertainment, it is vital that business take advantage of the cost-effective, interactive way of marketing their brand.
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Tags: Miscellaneous

Richard Horvath

Richard Horvath is the founder of TheeDigital, a Raleigh based award-winning web design and digital marketing agency. He is proud of his team and the results that they provide to their clients.

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