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Reasons Lawyers Should Forget Traditional Marketing

Richard Horvath
Last updated: Legal Marketing 2 min read
Marketing strategies are constantly evolving in an effort to maintain a constant connection with their target audience. What once worked for law firms, may not continue to.
Raleigh Internet Marketing for Lawyers can help your law firm out compete traditional practices.
In the past, certain strategies, like TV commercials and newspaper ads, have been successfully implemented for law firms, and these strategies would easily equate into handsome profits. Unfortunately, once the target audience begins to lose touch with those traditional marketing channels, then the strategies can lose their effectiveness. Our experience at TheeDigital has shown that the attention span of the public is quite short, and this can be linked to the emergence of tablet technologies and social media. These changes require law firms to deviate from their traditional marketing plans, and focus more on social media and content promotion. Completely changing gears on tried and true methods can be a step outside of the norm, but we have solutions to help your law firm adapt with the changing technology.

Why traditional marketing is less effective.

As a Raleigh SEO company, it is our recommendation that businesses such as law firms transition away from print advertising as a main avenue to reach new clients and markets. With the emergence of digital marketing, printing costs continue to rise and the returns are diminishing. This happens when people begin looking to digital platforms for higher quality information. Printed publications we suggest lawyers avoid spending money on include direct mail advertising, newspapers and magazines. In the past, referral methods for business leads were an extremely effective method for advertising. Joining networking events and using word of mouth might produce leads for your firm, but how accurately are you able to deliver your marketing message? Are you relying on the word of others to promote your business? Most often, the answer is yes. With internet marketing, it is possible for you to take control of your advertising message and better relate with your target audience. Once your website is established with high quality content, an internet marketing campaign can help your firm reach new prospects and leads. Maintaining a clear and effective digital marketing strategy can help your firm give an accurate representation of your business and assist with how you rank in search engines. The higher you rank, the broader your reach and the better your gains. The important question you need to ask is if you would rather stay with traditional methods, or move into the future with internet marketing?
Looking for more internet marketing advice? Then contact the internet marketing and SEO experts at TheeDigital in Raleigh, NC at 919-341-8901 or schedule a consultation.

Tags: Digital MarketingLegal Marketing

Richard Horvath

Richard Horvath is the founder of TheeDigital, a Raleigh based award-winning web design and digital marketing agency. He is proud of his team and the results that they provide to their clients.

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