TheeDigital > Blog > Why We’re Thankful & Grateful This Thanksgiving

Why We’re Thankful & Grateful This Thanksgiving

Richard Horvath
Last updated: Company News 4 min read

We have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. As a company, we have won more awards (including the prestigious Inc. 5000 for the second year in a row), helped more local businesses improve their online visibility, and have come together as a team to find better, more creative solutions.

Our success wouldn’t be possible without the support and trust of our clients, partners, and the Raleigh community. So, we’re truly grateful and thankful for you.

Below we’re sharing a few other things we’re thankful for this Thanksgiving holiday.

Thankful & Grateful Thanksgiving

What We’re Thankful & Grateful For This Thanksgiving

Richard, President

“I’m thankful for our great team and their dedication to our clients. I’m also thankful for our clients who trust us and have helped us become an an award-winning Inc. 5000 agency.”

Leslie, Marketing Manager

Leslie, Marketing Manager
“One thing I am always grateful for after a long and productive work week is the freedom of the things that I get to do (or decide not to do) on a Saturday morning”

Adam, Digital Marketing Specialist

Adam - TheeDigital Raleigh
“I’m grateful for a roof over my head, access to clean drinking water and food, the earth and sun, family and friends, and the ability to find humor in just about everything.”

Gabbie, Solution’s Consultant

solutions consultant web development

“I am thankful for my well-being and all the sweetness in my life. I feel healthier, happier, and stronger than I ever have, and am so grateful that I’m able to wake up every morning filled with excitement and energy, whether its to come to work or climb a mountain.”

Jonathan, Production Associate


“I am very thankful for this opportunity at TheeDigital. My experience has been fantastic and it’s a pleasure to work with the team here. This experience of welcomeness extends throughout all of Raleigh and confirms that I made the right choice by moving here.”

Benjamin, Support Specialist

“I’m grateful for the work and dedication our team puts into our sites, our clients, and each other.”

Joe, Digital Marketing Specialist

“I’m grateful for the ability to work with other like-minded, motivated professionals who help me become more in-tune with my interests, strengths, and weaknesses. I am also grateful for the Durham farmer’s market and State farmer’s market, well-mannered puppies, and being so close to both the beach and the mountains.”

Michael, Sr. Digital Marketing Specialist

“I’m thankful for TheeDigital. Working at TheeDigital has allowed me to wear different hats, push my skills further, and grow in my career. It’s a big plus that the team, atmosphere, and Richard are awesome. I’m also thankful for Mackenzie, my healthy, happy niece who was born in May this year, who has brought a lot of joy to my family.”

Kelsie, Digital Marketing Specialist

Kelsie & Leslie at TheeDigital Halloween 2018
“I’m thankful to all the people in my life that support me, uplift me, comfort me, and bring joy to my life.”

Shoshana, VP of Operations

“I’m thankful to be working with a great team who’s hard working and dedicated to achieving measurable success for our clients and TheeDigital alike.”

Lauren, Marketing Communications Manager

“I’m thankful for my family and friends, my health, and the ability to see the positives in life. I’m grateful to work with a motivating, inspiring, and creative group of awesome people.”

Keri, Project Manager

Keri and Mickey“I am thankful for the talented team that I get to work with every day and who have become great friends. I’m also grateful to work for a company that cares for its employees, and for my clients who bring me exciting challenges and interesting work. My loving and supportive family and friends are truly a blessing so I’m thankful for them as well. Life is good!”

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Tags: CommunityCompany News

Richard Horvath

Richard Horvath is the founder of TheeDigital, a Raleigh based award-winning web design and digital marketing agency. He is proud of his team and the results that they provide to their clients.

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