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TheeDigital Hosts a TIMA Lunch and Learn

Richard Horvath
Last updated: Company News 2 min read
What can we learn from historical marketing approaches in today’s data-driven market? One of the North Carolina’s leading brand consultants will lead a discussion to answer how traditional print, radio, and TV advertising techniques are still applicable, even when digital is the new king. Jake Finkelstein, a digital strategist and business consultant from the Durham-based marketing agency Method Savvy, will be presenting at a Triangle Interactive Marketing Association (TIMA) Subject Matter Expert Lunch Event at 11:30am on Thursday June 14 at TheeDigital in Raleigh. The presentation will focus on how traditional advertising strategies such as print, television, and radio can complement digital initiatives to create powerful and effective integrated marketing campaigns. The presentation will include case studies, as well as a discussion of integrated tactics.
In today’s marketplace, you need to meet customers where they are. The most effective marketers recognize this and use traditional tactics to compliment digital strategies. I look forward to having a lively conversation with TIMA’s members about how integrated campaigns can provide better ROI.
Jake Finkelstein, Method Savvy
Jake began his career in the music industry; most notably for Sony Music Entertainment, where had the pleasure of working with such well-known artists as Johnny Cash, Incubus, Modest Mouse and Ben Folds Five. Shortly after the turn of the millennium, Jake left Sony to lead strategy and business development activities for the New York City-based creative advertising agency, Universal Buzz. Rising to become the company’s vice president of strategy, Jake has worked with such brands as Diageo, Coca-Cola, Olympus, Nokia, Verizon, Virgin, Disney and 2K Games to increase brand awareness and improve sales. TIMA is an organization dedicated to serving interactive marketing and web design professionals within the Research Triangle Park (RTP) and greater Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill areas. TIMA Subject Matter Expert (SME) Lunches are designed to be an intimate conversation on specific topics in interactive marketing.
TIMA members can still RSVP for the “How Traditional Advertising Complements Digital” lunch on the TIMA website. You can also follow the conversation by following along with #TraDigital on Twitter.

Tags: CommunityCompany News

Richard Horvath

Richard Horvath is the founder of TheeDigital, a Raleigh based award-winning web design and digital marketing agency. He is proud of his team and the results that they provide to their clients.

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