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TheeDigital Made TBJ’s Book of Lists

Richard Horvath
Last updated: Awards and Recognition < 1 read

TheeDigital made the Triangle Business Journal’s Book of Lists again!

We’re very excited about being included in the Book of Lists, as it’s a reflection of our dedication and hard work to the internet marketing, web design, and advertising industries. We pride ourselves on creating great looking websites and successful internet marketing campaigns, helping local Triangle businesses succeed online and in the community.

Our Book of Lists Awards

TheeDigital was named to 3 main Book of List categories, including:
  • Top Internet Marketing and Web Design Firms
  • Top Graphic Design Firms
  • Top Advertising Agencies

What is the Book of Lists?

The Book of Lists is an annual publication from the Triangle Business Journal (TBJ), providing rankings on the top rated 25 companies and their leaders in a given industry. The publication is an important tool and resource for many top executives, who use the information to build and strengthen their company. The industries compiled in the Book of Lists include banking, commercial and residential real estate, internet marketing and web design, healthcare and more.
Want to work with a local agency that has won several reputable awards such as TBJ Book of Lists, Best of IndyWeek, AVA, and MarCom? Contact the internet marketing and SEO professionals at TheeDigital of Raleigh, NC at 919-341-8901 or schedule a consultation.

Tags: Awards and RecognitionCompany News

Richard Horvath

Richard Horvath is the founder of TheeDigital, a Raleigh based award-winning web design and digital marketing agency. He is proud of his team and the results that they provide to their clients.

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