Why should I use Hashtags on Instagram?
Uploading photos of your products, office, or employee on Instagram can be fun to do. People who already follow your account will be able to see your posts. One of the major benefits of using Instagram is the ability for new users to see your photos and become aware of your brand. Unlike Facebook, where the only people that will see your posts for free are the people who already like your page, any user on Instagram can see your images whether they know about your company or not. This is where hashtags come in. People regularly search on Instagram for topics they are interested in or are posting about themselves. If you’re posting just your photo, or a description of your photo without the hashtags, you’re greatly decreasing the likelihood that new people will be exposed to your brand. But if you include some hashtags in your post, that greatly increases the ability for other people to see your image and engage with your brand.How Many Hashtags should I use on Instagram?
On Instagram, we suggest aiming for around five hashtags per post. If you add only one hashtag, that’s only one way for people to find your post. If you’re adding five of them, your chances of getting found increase by 500%. If five hashtags gives you 500% more chances of being seen, then would 25 hashtags give you 25,000% more chances? Yes, technically. But at some point, it detracts from your message and makes your post look sloppy. That’s similar to websites that used to keyword stuff just to be seen on Google – it’s unfriendly and unprofessional looking to your users. Doing a little research and choosing the right hashtags is a more effective strategy than including a ton of them in your posts.Researching Instagram Hashtags
If you’re going to be adding 5 hashtags to each of your Instagram posts, you may be tempted to just use a mix of similar words. For example, if you sell clothes for runners, your first instinct may be to have your post include #running, #runners, #run, #girlsontherun, #runallday. This would be one way to target people looking for different iterations of the word “run” on Instagram.
Hashtag Suggest Tools
There are some helpful free tools that you can use to get ideas of other hashtags that relate to your term that you may want to use in your posts. https://hashtagify.me gives you the top ten hashtags related to your term, and the popularity of each of those suggested terms. The data pulled into this tool searches Twitter, Instagram, and other social media networks that use hashtags, so you’ll still want to spot check your numbers in Instagram itself if you’ll be using the hashtags it suggests. https://answerthepublic.com will also give you a list of terms related to a phrase you enter. The results are shown in question form like who, what, where, why, how and can give you some phrase ideas or related terms to use for researching your hashtags. (It also has a fun background video worth the visit to the site alone).
How do I choose a Hashtag on Instagram?
The 5 W’s of Hashtags
We like to use the 5 W’s rule for planning what hashtags apply to a specific picture. The 5 W’s are: who, what, when, where, and why. Think about the answers to these questions as you’re picking out which hashtags to use on your post, and decide which would be relevant to what your customers are searching for.
Reuse Someone Else’s Hashtag
As much fun as it can be to string a group of words together to make your own unique hashtag like #sharonisthequeenofinstagramhashtags, the likelihood that someone will be searching for that hashtag is #zerotonone. Unless you’re creating a unique hashtag for a conference for special promotion for your company, we recommend using a hashtag that already exists. As mentioned above, hashtags are what people search for on Instagram, so you’ll want a term other people are searching for so they run across your post. So instead of #sharonisthequeenofinstagramhashtags, it would be better to use #instagram #hashtag #howto versus that one long made-up one. To help you find the phrase other people are using, start by typing in a word or phrase you’d like into Instagram, and it will automatically show other versions of that phrase that other people have used to help you choose. We talk more about this concept in our previous blog about How to Use a Hashtag for your Business.Use the Most Common Hashtag
When you’re referencing an event, musical album, tv show, movie, or other popular culture, there is often one hashtag that is the most commonly used, and this is the one you should use as well. For people talking about the brand new Season 6 of Game of Thrones, the majority of the people are using #gameofthrones versus #gameofthronesseason6. Again, researching in advance can help you figure out what hashtag others are using.Be specific
The hashtag you choose should be specific to your image. For example, if you’re posting a picture of your company car, the hashtag of #company #car is too generic. It should be relevant to type of car it is and something about your company. So for TheeDigital we’d use #smartcar #seo since that’s what we drive and what we do. Most people would not be searching on Instagram for a term as generic as #car, but they might be interested in #smartcar.
Other Instagram basics
If you need help optimizing your Instagram profile or want some other marketing tips, read our blog about Instagram 101 for Business Owners.Need to research what hashtags will get the most traction for your company? Need to create a strategy for what and when to post on Instagram? Contact our social media marketing experts at 919-341-8901 or click here to schedule a consultation.
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