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Using Social Media for Customer Service

Richard Horvath
Last updated: Digital Marketing < 1 read
Once used exclusively for internet marketing, social media platforms like Twitter are increasingly being used for customer service. So how are big brands (who receive thousands of mentions and messages daily on social media) handling customer service questions? More specifically: what do they respond to, how quickly, and how well? Analyst Ashley Verrill from Software Advice pitted the nation’s top brands against each other in a test of social customer service rigor. The results were so compelling, HP actually invited her to speak about it during their annual summit in March. The following is an infographic on her findings.
Looking for help with your social media marketing? Contact the SEO and internet marketing professionals at TheeDigital in Raleigh, NC at 919-341-8901 or schedule a consultation.

Tags: Digital MarketingInbound Marketing

Richard Horvath

Richard Horvath is the founder of TheeDigital, a Raleigh based award-winning web design and digital marketing agency. He is proud of his team and the results that they provide to their clients.

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