TheeDigital > Blog > Being a Superhero in Your Business Blog Series – #6 Website

Being a Superhero in Your Business Blog Series – #6 Website

Richard Horvath
Last updated: Web Design 3 min read

Part 6: Without a Website, Your Company is Invisible

A small business owner may wonder why they need a dedicated website if they’ve got a Facebook, Twitter, Yelp, Urbanspoon, etc. page for their business. Without a website, your company is like the Invisible Woman – people may think you’re there, but they can’t find you. It’s important in this competitive marketplace for you to have a website – your competitors already have one.
Super Business Series - Your Website & Visibility

Build Trust

Having a website for your company builds trust with consumers. Think of it as a resume for your company. Would you select a person to build a new roof on your home without knowing if they have ever worked in home construction before? Would you hire someone to handle your accounting without knowing if they have heard of QuickBooks before? It’s important for you to share your qualifications and description of your services with your potential customers so they can understand if you are the right fit for what they are looking for. Without a dedicated website, your company may look new or fly-by-night. You could be the oldest window repair store in Durham, but without a website to tell people that, they would never know.

Control the Message

If your only online presence is on review sites like Yelp, Urbanspoon, or Google Local, the main reason customers will visit your page is to see a review. If the reviews they see on your page are not positive, it will be less likely they will want to engage with your company. One these sites, your reputation is in the hands of other people – your competitors and unhappy customers included – and you cannot control what they say. With your own website, you decide what gets said about your company. You can include complimentary reviews you’ve received on other platforms in your own site. You aren’t relying on customers to add photos – which may be unflattering – of your business, but are adding ones that show you and your services to your best advantage. Important facts such as years of experience, certifications, and your competitive edge can shine.

Make it Easy to Use

Ease of use is a concern for many users, especially those on mobile devices. The content that they can reach with the fewest amount of clicks rules. Just like Tony Stark’s command “Initiate House Party Protocol” ordered the Ironman suits to self-destruct, simplicity is key. Having to click on your listing once their search result brings up Yelp is another step users have to take to find your company information, and may be one more click than they would like to take.
Need help creating or updating your website to attract your target audience? Contact our Raleigh web designers and digital marketing pros at TheeDigital. Give us a call at 919-341-8901 or schedule a consultation.

Join the Celebration!

Our 10 part series leads up to an exciting celebration: “TheeDigital’s Marvel-ous 10 Year Anniversary Party“. Join us June 19th, 2014, 6-9pm at The Hive bar/restaurant in downtown Raleigh. Register now for this free event!

Tags: MiscellaneousStrategy & ConsultingWeb Design

Richard Horvath

Richard Horvath is the founder of TheeDigital, a Raleigh based award-winning web design and digital marketing agency. He is proud of his team and the results that they provide to their clients.

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