WordPress Development for a Local CPA Firm
TheeDigital > Portfolio > Carson Thorn CPA

Custom Web Design and SEO for CPA in Raleigh, NC

221% Increase in Total Users
222% Increase in New Users
422.22% Increase in Mobile Users


C. E. Thorn, CPA, PLLC is an accounting firm in Raleigh, NC that was penalized by Google and in turn this effected their rankings. TheeDigital developed a new responsive accounting website and crafted an effective digital marketing and SEO strategy, putting Carson Thorn CPA #1 in the rankings for the firm’s target keywords.

Carson Thorn CPA before screenshot


The existing website for C. E. Thorn, CPA, PLLC was not being indexed by Google, and had racked up a manual penalty because of spam tactics that was affecting their rankings. TheeDigital was able to remove the penalty, thereby restoring their search engine rankings.


TheeDigital redesigned C.E. Thorn CPA, PLLC to be more aesthetically pleasing and user friendly. By unblocking the website in robots.txt, search engines were able to crawl the site. Along with a new website came a new marketing strategy. TheeDigital was able to clean up link spam and request to remove the manual penalty. Our internet marketing team implemented extensive keyword research, a competitive industry analysis, content strategy, on-page optimization, and white-hat link building to increase rankings and website conversions.

Custom Web Design for a Raleigh CPA Firm
Custom Web Design for a Raleigh CPA Firm
Custom Web Design for a Raleigh CPA Firm
Custom Web Design for a Raleigh CPA Firm
Custom Web Design for a Raleigh CPA Firm
Custom Web Design for a Raleigh CPA Firm
Custom Web Design for a Raleigh CPA Firm
Custom Web Design for a Raleigh CPA Firm
Custom Web Design for a Raleigh CPA Firm
Custom Web Design for a Raleigh CPA Firm
Custom Web Design for a Raleigh CPA Firm
WordPress Development for a CPA Firm

Custom WordPress Website

C.E. Thorn CPA, PLLC website was not being found for a wide variety of accounting-related search terms. Using WordPress, TheeDigital’s web design and digital marketing team worked together to restore Carson Thorn CPA’s online visibility using a two-pronged approach:

  1. A new responsive website that allowed for better optimization and improved user experience,
  2. A strong white-hat link building campaign consisting of many of the missed industry-specific links Carson needed.

Carson is now at the top for most CPA and accountant related terms in Raleigh and his rankings remain strong today.

What our Happy Clients Say about TheeDigital

Thanks to TheeDigital’s search engine marketing efforts we have been able to sustain high rankings on Google and provide better user experience.

Carson Thorn, CPA

Carson Thorn
Owner, C. E. Thorn, CPA, PLLC
Carson Thorn CPA

Thumb-Friendly Web Design for a Raleigh CPA Firm

Thumb-Friendly Mobile Website

Choosing a web development company that has a proven track record of creating fully responsive websites is vitally important. The ability to display properly on all devices and browsers isn’t enough.

A TheeDigital mobile-responsive website loads fast, provides a great user experience, and ranks high on search engines. Not only this, but we design our sites to be “thumb friendly, ” which means that all of the site’s buttons and links are larger so that a user can navigate them using the largest digit on a user’s hand.

Special WordPress Features for a CPA Firm

Showcasing Success Stories

When clients are seeking a qualified CPA firm, it’s difficult to separate good firms from the bad ones. Many potential clients rely heavily on results testimonials from previous customers.

For this reason, our team of developers and designers put Carson Thorn CPA’s many testimonials directly in the navigation on every page for the world to see. These messages from happy clients make it very clear that this CPA not only have a large client base, but the varied stories provide confidence to those seeking a CPA.

Want to Improve Your Web Presence?

Fill out the form below or give us a call at 919-341-8901 to get started.

Let’s Work Together

Time for a New Website and Effective Lead Generation Program?

Fill out our form below or give us a call at 919-341-8901 to start the conversation.

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