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Nonprofit Case Studies

Explore TheeDigital’s nonprofit case studies to see how we’ve enhanced online presence and engagement for mission-driven organizations.

IUPAC Global Women's Breakfast case study
IUPAC Global Women’s Breakfast

IUPAC Global Women's Breakfast

Discover how TheeDigital's custom event registration system and creative design solutions help IUPAC connect Global Women's Breakfast events worldwide.

healthy durham featured image
Healthy Durham

Semi-Custom Website Development for a Local Public Health Department

The redesigned Partnership for a Healthy Durham website simplifies navigation, enhances content management, and introduces tools like a blog for…

CHSNC custom website
26% More Sessions on Their Home Page
Children’s Home Society of North Carolina

Custom WordPress Design and Development for a Foster Care and Adoption Agency

The redesigned CHSNC website simplifies navigation for prospective foster parents, donors, and partners while integrating HubSpot for automated lead tracking…

Custom Web Design Responsive Web Design for a Non-Profit Agency in Raleigh
15.91% Increase in Organic Traffic
The Arc of North Carolina

Custom Web Design and SEO for a Non-Profit Agency in North Carolina

The Arc of NC needed an ADA-compliant website that could quickly connect users with life-changing resources. See the impact that…

Custom Web Development for National Non-Profit Company
193% Increase in Total Website Users

Web Development and SEO for a Non-Profit Business in Raleigh

Check out how TheeDigital worked with ChemVoices to build a custom website that is fast-loading, SEO-friendly, and looks great on…

MPS Society Client From Web Design Agency in Raleigh, NC
38.10% Increase in Referral Traffic
National MPS Society

Custom Web Design and Ecommerce for a Healthcare Nonprofit

The MPS Society supports and advocates those affected by MPS and ML. Learn how we redesigned MPS Society's website to…

Responsive Web Design for Nonprofit Educator
17.21% Increase in Direct Traffic
Institute for Defense and Business

WordPress Development and Web Design for a Nonprofit Educator

See how our development team created a website to empower the Institute of Defense and Business to achieve its business…

Triangle Land - Website Redesign
Triangle Land Conservancy

WordPress Development and Web Design for a Local Nonprofit Conservation Organization

Triangle Land Conservancy's new website was designed to reignite interest in their nature preserves. Read how we were able to…

34% Increase in direct traffic

Custom Web Design and SEO for a Non-Profit Business in Raleigh

IUPAC is the world authority on chemical terminology and nomenclature. See how we redesigned their website to maximize user experience…

SEO and Marketing for Nonprofit Organization
Miss North Carolina Pageant

WordPress Development and Custom Web Design for a Nonprofit Organization

MIss North Carolina Pageant's new nonprofit website is elegant while being functional, enabling the team to highlight Miss NC year…

Custom Web Design for Nonprofit Religious Organization
40% Increase in Site Traffic After Launch
FEA Ministries

WooCommerce and Mobile-Friendly Web Design for Nonprofit Religious Organization

We recently designed and developed FEA Ministries new award-winning website. See how we used WordPress and WooCommerce to improve their…