Thank you for choosing TheeDigital as your ecommerce partner. Please fill out the form below and one of our associates will be in touch with you soon about your website audit request.
Our specialists are excited to talk to you about your online store. As a reminder, here is what you will be getting with your ecommerce audit:
SEO Analysis
Page Load Timing
User Experience (UX)
Mobile Experience
Checkout Process
Responsive Design
Ease of Use
Product Pages
Landing Pages
Back-End Function
Hosting Platform Analysis
Link Analysis
User Perception
Top 5 Reasons Online Stores Fail:
Poor mobile experience
Cluttered and confusing layout
Overcomplicated and unintuitive checkout
Lack of SEO knowledge or lack of SEO on website
Poorly written copy, especially with product descriptions and CTA
Here are Some Free Tips to Improve Your Product Pages
Getting a potential customer to your website is only the first step. Here are some tips to improve your product pages to improve your conversion rate:
Write descriptive titles
Write original product descriptions
Write eye-catching meta descriptions
Use Schema structured data
Use high quality photos
Be a mind reader! Answer every question a customer might ask before purchasing