WooCommerce Website Design for Online Stores
WooCommerce is a robust ecommerce extension for WordPress, allowing companies to easily and beautifully promote and sell products online.
What is WooCommerce?
Featured WooCommerce Development Case Studies
WooCommerce Online Store Benefits
How WooCommerce Can Help Your Business
WooCommerce + TheeDigital
= Ecommerce Success
WooCommerce Extensions
WooCommerce FAQs
Does WooCommerce work with any WordPress theme?
While WooCommerce is compatible with any WordPress theme, some themes are better designed for the integration. When you choose TheeDigital to build your website, you can be sure your site is ready for WooCommerce. If you’d like to add WooCommerce to your site but you’re not sure if your theme is compatible, contact us for a free site audit.
Can you use WooCommerce to sell digital downloads?
Yes! Whether you’re selling ebooks, music, or art, WooCommerce makes it easy to sell digital downloads.
How many products can I have in my store?
WooCommerce can handle thousands of products, but the number of items your store will be able to handle depends on your website host. More products means your site will need more memory. (TheeDigital can host your site so you can always be sure your site is performing at its best!)
How much does WooCommerce cost?
While WooCommerce is a free plugin, there are costs associated with owning a website and online store. These will vary based on your host, website theme, additional plugins, and more.
Which is better: WooCommerce or Shopify?
This is a common question when people are looking to open an online store. WooCommerce and Shopify are both great options for ecommerce and we don’t believe one is better than the other. In fact, we build sites on both platforms! To learn more about the differences and which would be best for your site, give us a call at 919-341-8901.
Ready to Build Your Online Store with WooCommerce?
Whether you’re selling 5 products or 5,000, you can have a beautiful, easy to use online store with WooCommerce. Request a complimentary ecommerce website audit or consultation by calling us at 919-341-8901 or filling out the form below:
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